Boy Band Review

Boy Band Review - Bringing harmonies, videos, dancing, and energy

Artist Biography


Hip-Hop, R&B

Based in: Chicago, Illinois

 - Available Everywhere!

Boy Band Review

Boy Band Review - Bringing harmonies, videos, dancing, and energy, Boy Band
Review has captured the hearts of fans with their #boyband shows that transport
audience members back in time to the days of frosted tips and hunky front-men professing
their undying love.
With a full backing band, Boy Band review brings all the sweet hip thrusts and air grabs
performed perfectly “N SYNC”. The shows are an incredible throw back experience
with dancing and harmonies where the audience members relive the best years! They are
playing to capacity crowds throughout the Midwest and nationwide.
These new kids heat up to 98 degrees every time helping you to relive the best years.

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